Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Jane Eyre: The Graphic Novel by Charlotte Bronte

(American English, Quick Text)
This is the 3rd graphic novel I have ever read; I enjoyed this one more than the others. I'm not really sure what made this American since most of the text came verbatim from the original.
Since I am involved in the Smyrna Public Library's Winter Reading Program, leading our school's Volunteer State Book Awards Book Club, and participating in the Jane Austen Mystery Reading Challenge, I don't have time to reread favorites because I am reading so many new works. I like the fact that I feel like I got the meat of the text from this work. This version did not even shy away from Bronte's overtly Christian themes! I recommend it to those who already love Jane Eyre, those who want to read Jane Eyre but don't have the time right now, and anyone you want to read Jane Eyre.

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