Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Murder of King Tut by James Patterson

The actual title of this book is The Murder of King Tut: The Plot to Kill the Child King- A Nonfiction Thriller. Try saying that five times fast!
Set-Up: This book is told in alternating chapters that take place in 3 different times with 3 different men. The first story line is the occasional thoughts of James Patterson about the creation of this book; he has maybe 5 brief chapters. The second story line is the life of Howard Carter and his decades-long quest to discover the tomb of Tutankhamen. The final story line, which I would call fiction in this nonfiction thriller, is the story of King Tut and his eventual murder...mwhahaha...curse of the mummy.
Story of the Book: This is my book; it has not been borrowed from a library. (If you would like to borrow it from me, just ask.) I won this book in the recent Winter Reading Program at the Smyrna Public Library. Dad and I participated. If you read 5 books in a 5-week period, then you won the "gold prize." We both did and we won: (1) our choice of a book from a display...this was my choice...very happy with it, (2) a bright yellow canvas bag that I will now carry things in to church, (3) a mug that promptly went to the garage sale pile, (4) 4 pieces of candy, (5) a coupon for a free milkshake, and (6) a "Your Library Fines are Forgiven" card...should I use this on my dime fine...I think not. Neither Dad nor I won the grand prize of an E-Reader, hence all of our chocolate was already eaten in sorrow.
Recommendation: I recommend this book to people who like history. I really enjoyed it, especially the parts about Howard Carter and his quest for Tut. If you would like to see the cover or read excerpts, go to

Other MAJOR Item: I am so excited! A few weeks ago, I entered the Overton High Library in a national reading contest. One of my students won! She gets a $50 gift card to the bookstore of her choice and our library gets a bundle of Great Scavenger Hunt books. Check out the link where MY NAME is on a national website at !

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